News & Events
Congratulations to Dr. Markus Kuehn on his promotion as Associate Director for the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Visual Loss.
September 12, 2018
Investigators, research assistants and administrative staff participated in the Wellness Night at the 2018 National Veterans TEE Tournament.
August 3, 2018
Center Investigators and lab assistants attended and presented their research at the 2018 Midwest Eye Research Symposium held at the University of Iowa.

*Structural and Functional Evaluation of the Visual System in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Gramlich, Oliver W.; Brown, Alexander J.; Kardon, Randy H.
*Changes in the retina and optic nerve in a mouse model of blast-induced traumatic brain injury
Dutca, Laura; Castonguay, William; Hedberg-Buenz, Adam; Bielecki, Michael; Boehme, Nicholas; Herlein, Judith; Pellack, Danielle; Harper, Matthew; Anderson, Michael.
*Preservation of Retinal Ganglion Cell Density in Immune Compromised Mice
Godwin, Cheyanne; Gramlich, Oliver; Steele, Moriah; Kuehn, Markus.
*Optic nerve damage in a mouse model of blast-induced traumatic brain injury
Hedberg-Buenz, Adam; Dutca, Laura; Harper, Matthew; Anderson, Michael.
*Exome-based Investigation of the Genetic Basis of Human Pigmentary Glaucoma
van der Heide, Carly; Goar, Wes; Alward, Wallace; Roos, Ben; Meyer, Kacie; Kwon, Young; Anderson, Michael; Scheetz, Todd; Fingert, John.
*CX43 knockout hiPSC fail to generate normal optic cups
Cheng, Lin; Kuehn, Markus.
July 2018
Dr. Markus Kuehn received a 4 year grant entitled, "Bioassay to Predict the Development and Progression of Glaucoma." This grant was funded as a Merit Review Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development.
VA Research Week May 14-18, 2018
On May 16th the Iowa City VA Research Department held an open house that featured all areas of research. Center Investigators presented posters and talked about their reserach to attendees.

ARVO Annual Meeting. April 29- May 3, 2018, Honolulu, HI
Presentations and Posters from Center Investigators.
4/29/18 - Andreas Christian Borta, Oliver W. Gramlich, Kimberly Miller, Cheyanne Godwin, Remko Bakker, Markus H. Kuehn. Elevated Expression of AOC3 in Human Eyes with NPDR. Poster #C0005 Abstract #194.
4/29/18 - Oliver W. Gramlich, Kasra Zarai, Alexander J. Brown, Randy H. Kardon. Early Visual Biomarkers in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Poster #B0292 Abstract #620.
4/30/18 - Sacha Luigi Naso, Audrey Nguyen, Randy H. Kardon, Aki K. Kawasaki. Correlation of Functional and Structural Changes in non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Poster #C0303 Abstract #1903.
4/30/18 - Kasra Zarei, Sabina David, Claudia Pfleger, Dalia Berman, Pieter Poolman, Oliver W. Gramlich, Jane Bailey, Randy H. Kardon. Smartphone App Visual Function Tests in Multiple Sclerosis Patients With and Without Optic Neuritis. Poster #A0355 Abstract #2186.
4/30/18 - John William Miller, Jui-Kai Wang, Matthew Thurtell, Randy H. Kardon, Mona K. Garvin. Differentiation between papilledema and nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy using retinal layer shape and regional volume features in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Poster #A0365 Abstract #2196.
4/30/18 - Jui-Kai Wang, Jason Agne, Qingyang Su, Randy H. Kardon, Mona K. Garvin. Automated Detection of Retinal Folds in Papilledema Using En-Face Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. Poster #A0366 Abstract #2197.
5/1/18 - Ningli Wang, Val C. Sheffield, Zhijian Wu, Markus Kuehn, Ting Xie. Gene Therapy of Glaucoma. SIG.
5/1/18 - Markus H. Kuehn, Oliver W. Gramlich, John H. Fingert, Young H. Kwon, Wallace L M Alward. Transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from human glaucoma patients to NOD/scid gamma mice elicits loss of retinal ganglion cells in recipients. Poster #B0078 Abstract #3731.
5/2/18 - Ankur Jain, Wei Zhu, Qihong Zhang, Markus H. Kuehn, Abbot F. Clark, Val C. Sheffield. Primary Cilia and Extracellular Matrix Interactions in Trabecular Meshwork Cells. Poster #B0145 Abstract #4721.
Research Week- April 16-19, 2018
The Carver College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science and VA Health System Research Week events took place April 16-19, 2018 on the health sciences campus at the University of Iowa. Center Investigators, research assistants and students took part in this event.
Posters by Center Personnel:
Graduate, Medical, and PharmD Student Poster Sessions
Mengya Wang| LP Sowers, BJ Rea, K Parker, J Heskje, YC Kim
“The neuronal circuit of CGRP in migraine-like behaviors in mice"
Yujia Liu | Kyle Flippo, Ron Merrill, Audrey Dickey, Guy Perkins, Mark Yorek
“Targeting Mitochondrial Fission for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy”
Lucy Evans | Brittany Todd, Elizabeth Newell, Matthew Harper, Alexander Bassuk
"Acute inflammation in retinal and brain tissue after blast-mediated traumatic brain injury"
Postdoctoral Fellows, Faculty and Staff
Adam Hedberg-Buenz | Laura Dutca, Matt Harper, Michael G Anderson
“Optic nerve damage in a mouse model of blast-mediated traumatic brain injury"
Brandon Rea | Anne-Sophie Wattiez, Bianca N. Mason, Pieter Poolman, Johannes Ledolter, Randy H. Kardon
“Peripherally administered CGRP induces spontaneous pain in mice: Implications for migraine"
Oliver Gramlich | Kasra Zarai, Alexander J. Brown, Randy H. Kardon
“Visual Biomarkers in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis”
Laura Dutca | William Castonguay, Adam Hedberg-Buenz, Michael Bielecki, Nicholas Boehme, Judith Herlein
“Ocular phenotypes in blast-mediated traumatic brain injury”
Anne-Sophie Wattiez | William C. Castonguay, Chantel M. Schmidt, Brandon J. Rea, Andrew F. Russo
“Photosensitivity, tactile allodynia and wheel activity in a model of post-traumatic headache”
Markus Kuehn | OG Gramlich, JH Fingert, YH Kwon, WLM Alward
“Transfer of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from human glaucoma patients to NOD/scid gamma mice elicits loss of retinal ganglion cells in recipients"
Mona Garvin | Jui-Kai Wang, Jason Agne, Qingyang Su, Randy Kardon
“Automated Detection of Retinal Folds in Papilledema Using En-Face Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”
September 13, 2017
Investigators, research assistants and administrative staff participated in the Wellness Night at the 2017 National Veterans TEE Tournament.
August 4, 2017
Center Investigators and lab personnel attended and presented their research at the 2017 Midwest Eye Research Symposium at the University of Iowa.
ARVO Annual Meeting. May 7-11, 2017, Baltimore, MD
Presentations and Posters from Center Investigators.
5/7/2017, 8:30 AM – 8:47 AM. Randy Kardon*, New Approaches for Assessing the Short and Long Term Effects of Trauma on the Visual System. Special Session: “Eyes and Vision Trauma.” Location: Room 316
5/7/2017, 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM. James Peairs*, Michael Abramoff, Kyungmoo Lee, Zhihui Guo, Douglas Critser, James Folk, OCT- Predictive Visual Threshold Sensitivity Predicts Visual Field Loss in Patients with Ocular Inflammatory Disease. Session: “Uveitis therapeutics: remedy and Relief.” Poster #B0057 Abstract #502. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/7/2017, 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM. Jean-Claude Mwanza*, Gary Lee, Joshua Warren, John Flanagan, Paul Artes, Michael Wall, Thomas Callan, Donald Budenz, Validation of the Performance of the UNC Optical Coherence Tomography Index for Early Glaucoma Diagnosis. Session: “Imaging: Macula Retina, Blood Flow, OCT Angiography.” Poster #B0452 Abstract #705. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/7/2017, 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM. Kyungmoo Lee*, Ian Han, Douglas Critser, Andreas Wahle, Milan Sonka, Michael Abramoff, Layer-Specific Vascular Analysis of OCT Angiography in Diabetic Macular Edema. Session: “Image Processing and Interpretation.” Poster #B0391 Abstract #644. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/7/2017, 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM. Beerend Winkelman*, Johanna Maria Colijn, Pieter Bonnemaijer, Fernanda Fujihara, Michael Abramoff, Kristine Lee, Anthony Fairbanks, Stacy Meuer, Barbara Klein, Ronald Klein, Caroline Klaver, Retinal layer segmentation results differ between two generations of OCT devices. Session: “Image Processing and Interpretation.” Poster #B0419 Abstract #672. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/7/2017, 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM. S Scott Whitmore*, Kyungmoo Lee, Adam DeLuca, Young Kwon, Jeremy Hoffman, Jennifer Halder, Robert Mullins, Todd Scheetz, Edwin Stone, Michael Abramoff, How to Distill Disease-Differentiating, Quantitative Phenotypic Patterns from OCT Data. Session: “Deep learning for image segmentation and classification.” Presentation #826 Abstract #826. Location: Room 301.
5/8/2017, 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM. Prashant Parekh*, James Folk, Stephen Russell, Elliott Sohn, Michael Abramoff, Does fluorescein angiography add value in the management of suspected choroidal neovascularization?. Session: “Clinical retinal imaging 1.” Poster #B0329 Abstract #1857. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/8/2017, 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM. Mark Yorek*, Randy Kardon, Decreased Cornea Sensation and Loss of Corneal Nerves after Chronic Hyperglycemia is Reversible with Combination Therapy Consisting of Menhaden Oil, α-Lipoic Acid and Enalapril. Session: “Corneal immunology and neuropathy.” Presentation #2070 Abstract #2070. Location: Room 321.
5/9/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM. Steffi Daniel*, Michael Anderson, Abbot Clark, Colleen McDowell, RGC subtype specific death in acute and chronic models of glaucoma. Session: “Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection.” Poster #A0132 Abstract #2542. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM. Luke Chong*, Paul Artes, Michael Wall, Thomas Callan, Vincent Michael Patella, Gary Lee, Matthias Monhart, John Flanagan, Perimetric Threshold Predictability Between Goldmann Size III and V Stimuli. Session: “Visual Fields, Vision Function, Psychophysics I.” Poster #B0445 Abstract #2842. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM. Michael Wall*, K Zamba, Paul Artes, The Effective Dynamic Ranges for Visual Field Progression with Standard Automated Perimetry with Stimulus Sizes III and V. Session: “Visual Fields, Vision Function, Psychophysics I.” Poster #B0463 Abstract #2860. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM. Barbara Klein*, Kayla Horak, Kristine Lee, Stacy Meuer, Michael Abramoff, Elsayed Soliman, Mary Rechek, Ronald Klein, Associations of peripheral sensory, autonomic and anatomic neural characteristics and proliferative retinopathy in persons with type 1 diabetes. Session: “Diabetic Eye Disease.” Poster #B0536 Abstract #2890. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM. Randy Kardon*, Cole Starkey, Jan Full, Anna Ketcham, Brian Tong, Gary Pierce, Seth Holwerda, Jess Fiedorowicz, Human Retinal Vascular Reactivity to Flickering Light and Cold Water Immersion Measured by Laser Speckle Flowgraphy. Session: “Blood flow.” Poster #A0038 Abstract #3043. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM. Kasra Zarei*, Pieter Poolman, Mona Garvin, Randy Kardon, eyeFusion: Mobile, Objective Quantification of Critical Flicker Fusion Thresholds. Session: “Innovations in imaging.” Poster #B0032 Abstract #3129. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM. Eric Lee*, Ashwin Subramani, Robert Wanzek, Trina Eden, Luke Chong, Andrew Turpin, Ivan Marin-Franch, Michael Wall, Patterns of Vision Loss in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: The Central vs. Peripheral Visual Field. Session: “Papilledema, IIH and Optic Nerve.” Poster #B0590 Abstract #3314. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM. Ashwin Subramani*, Michael Wall, Eric Lee, Andrew Turpin, Luke Chong, Detection of Visual Loss in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension with Static Automated Perimetry: The Far Periphery. Session: “Papilledema, IIH and Optic Nerve.” Poster #B0591 Abstract #3315. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/9/2017, 1:11 PM - 1:21 PM. Randy Kardon*, What makes a productive mentor - mentee relationship. Session: “Clinician-scientist forum: How to become a successful clinician-scientist.” Forum Abstract #. Location: Room 316.
5/10/2017, 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM. Stephanie Lynch*, Abhay Shah, James Folk, Xiaodong Wu, Michael Abramoff, Catastrophic Failure in Image-Based Convolutional Neural Network Algorithms for Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy. Session: “Diabetic retinal imaging.” Presentation #3776 Abstract #3776. Location: Hall G.
5/10/2017, 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM. Ankur Jain*, Wei Zhu, Qihong Zhang, Markus Kuehn, Abbot Clark, Val Sheffield, Role of Primary Cilia in Trabecular Meshwork Cell Function. Session: “Trabecular Meshwork, Ciliary Body and Anterior Segment Imaging.” Presentation #3772 Abstract #3772. Location: Ballroom 4.
5/10/2017, 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM. Wei Zhu*, Emmanuel Buys, Markus Kuehn, Transplantation of iPSC-TM decreases IOP in aged sGC-/- mice. Session: “Trabecular Meshwork, Ciliary Body and Anterior Segment Imaging.” Presentation #3774 Abstract #3774. Location: Ballroom 4.
5/10/2017, 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM. Jui-Kai Wang*, Caitlin Danielson, Randy Kardon, Patrick Sibony, Mark Kupersmith, Mona Garvin, Three-Dimensional Bruch’s Membrane Shape Change Over Time with Acetazolamide Treatment in the Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Treatment Trial (IIHTT). Session: “Intracranial Hypertension and Optic Nerve Changes.” Presentation #4308 Abstract #4308. Location: Room 324.
5/10/2017, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM. Michael Abramoff, Florence Thng, Glenn Jaffe, Steven Tolle, Kaushal Solanki; Michael Abramoff, moderator, Update on Automated Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy: Validation and Implementation. - SIG. Location: Ballroom 1.
5/10/2017, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM. Benjamin Aldrich*, Jessica Skeie, Gregory Schmidt, Cynthia Reed, Markus Kuehn, Mark Greiner, Proteomic Analysis of Aqueous Humor Reveals Progression of Diabetes Mellitus in the Anterior Chamber. Session: “Cornea and Anterior Chamber.” Poster #A0097 Abstract #4814. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/10/2017, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM. Oliver Gramlich*, Dina Ahram, Markus Kuehn, Expression of fibrotic and inflammation markers in the human glaucomatous optic nerve head. Session: “Glaucoma: Biochemical and molecular disease mechanisms.” Poster #B0336 Abstract #4918. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/11/2017, 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM. Chunhua Jiao*, Michael Abramoff, Kyungmoo Lee, Ipek Oguz, Peter Adamson, Adam Hedberg-Buenz, Michael Anderson, Elliott Sohn, Diabetes induced neurodegeneration in the retina and the brain of mice are associated and independent of microvasculopathy. Session: “Diabetic Retinopathy: Neurodegeneration and pathology associated with the neurovascular unit..” Poster #B0082 Abstract #5195. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/11/2017, 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM. Zhihui Guo*, Young Kwon, Kyungmoo Lee, Kai Wang, Chris Johnson, Mona Garvin, Milan Sonka, Michael Abramoff, Optical Coherence Tomography analysis based prediction of Humphrey 24-2 visual field thresholds in patients with glaucoma. Session: “Structure-Function Relationships II.” Poster #B0380 Abstract #5828. Location: Exhibit/Poster Hall.
5/11/2017, 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM. John Chen*, Jacqueline Leavitt, Jackson Abou Chehade, Raymond Iezzi, David Hodge, Randy Kardon, A comparison of optic neuritis and NAION with OCT and OCT angiography. Session: “Retinal Abnormalities and Neuropathology.” Presentation #5642 Abstract #5642. Location: Room 324.
Research Week- April 18-20, 2017
The Carver College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science and VA Health System Research Week events took place April 18-20, 2017 on the health sciences campus at the University of Iowa. Center Investigators, research assistants and students took part in this event.
Posters by Center Personnel:
Graduate, Medical, and PharmD Student Poster Sessions
Rachel Genova | Matthew Yorek, Matthew Harper, Andrew Pieper
“The role of neutral endopeptidase in corneal wound healing”
Emily Nguyen | Olha Koval, Isabella Grumbach
“Inhibition of mitochondrial CaMKII prevents mitochondrial mobility, cell migration, and reduces
neointimal hyperplasia”
Postdoctoral Fellows, Faculty and Staff
Brett A Wagner | Kyle H Flippo, Stefan Strack, Garry R Buettner
“Quantitative changes in dihydroethidium (DHE) oxidation products from isolated mitochondria while
respiring on select substrates and the effects mitochondrial inhibitors commonly used in bioenergetic
Erin M Buckingham | Nasreen A Syed, Matthew J Thurtell, Charles Grose, Randy H Kardon
“Reassessment of Whether Herpes Zoster is Associated with Onset of Giant Cell Arteritis.”
Mona K Garvin | Qingyang Su, Jui-Kai Wang, Mohammad Saleh Miri, Victor A Robles
“Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Optic-Nerve-Head and Macular En-Face Image
Registration in Cases of Papilledema”
Brandon Rea | Aaron Fairbanks, Bennett Robertson, Cameron Brown, Jayme Waite, William
“Peripheral CGRP-induced pain detection in a preclinical mouse model of migraine”
Mark A Yorek | Eric P Davidson, Lawrence J Coppey, Hanna Shevalye, Alexander Obrosova, Randy H
“Decreased Cornea Sensation and Loss of Corneal Nerves after Chronic Hyperglycemia is Reversible
with Combination Therapy Consisting of Menhaden Oil, a-Lipoic Acid and Enalapril”
Levi Sowers | Brandon Rea, Rebecca Taugher, Young-cho Kim, John Wemmie, Andrew Russo
“Neuronal circuits underlying light-aversive behavior in mice.”
Laura Dutca | Colleen M McDowell, Michael G Anderson
“Interventions to lower nocturnal intraocular pressure”
Oliver W Gramlich | Markus H Kuehn
“Function of IL33/ST2 Signaling in Glaucoma”
Anne-Sophie Wattiez | Brandon J Rea, Bianca N Mason, Chantel Schmidt, William C Castonguay,
Andrew F Russo
“Peripherally administered CGRP induces pain and pain-depressed behaviors in mice.”
Congratulations! Dr. Levi Sowers, Postdoctoral Research Scholar won the most outstanding poster entry in the Clinical and Translational Science Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Category. The title of his poster was: Neuronal circuits underlying light-aversion behavior in mice.
April 2017
Dr. Matthew Harper received a new equipment grant to fund the acquisition of a Heidelberg Engineering Spectralis Tracking OCT System- HRA+OCT w/OCT2- MultiColor and Heidelberg Engineering Widefield Imaging Module. With the new capabilities that this instrument provides, we will be able to better understand visual disease, the relationship between function, structure and perfusion, and also the response to treatment. The Spectralis HRA+ OCT produces unique imaging data through simultaneous application of multiple scanning laser technologies that combine to produce diagnostic information and demonstrate response to therapy that is unique among similar diagnostic imaging devices. This advanced diagnostic data will help to accurately determine disease progression and/or response to treatment and determine the change in condition over time in order to help better understand diseases that affect the eye. This experimental data will help to determine the most appropriate therapeutic options available for a given ocular condition. The Spectralis OCT2 will not merely maintain OCT imaging capabilities at the Iowa City VA. Rather, this cutting edge technology will help to ensure that we remain leaders in vision research and at the forefront of research to improve Veteran’s health. This grant was funded by the Office of Research and Development (ORD) Shared Equipment Evaulation Program (ShEEP).
September 14, 2016
Investigators and administrative staff participated in the Wellness Night at the 2016 National Veterans TEE Tournament.
August 5, 2016
Center Investigators and lab personnel attended and presented their research at the 2016 Midwest Eye Research Symposium at the University of Iowa.
July 2016
Dr. Laura Dutca received a 5 year grant entitled, "Mechanisms of neuronal dysfunction in mild traumatic brain injury." This grant was funded as a Career Development Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development.
Glaucoma study higlighted research done by Dr. Markus Kuehn.
June 2016
Dr. Mona Garvin received a 4 year grant entitled, "Automated Assessment of Optic Nerve Edema with Low-Cost Imaging." This grant was funded as Merit Review Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development.
Dr. Andrew Russo received a 4 year grant entitled, "Photosensitivity as a Preclinical Assessment for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Headache". This grant was funded as a Merit Review Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development.
May 2016
Dr. Levi Sowers received a 5 year grant entitled, "Identification and Treatment of Brain Regions Causing Post-Traumatic Headache". This grant was funded as a Career Development Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rehabilitation Research and Development.
January 2016
We're excited to announce a recently funded grant in collaboration with the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and Palo Alto VA Health Care System studying Visual Sensory Impairments and Progession Following Mild Traumatic Bain Injury. This grant was funded through the VA Rehabilitation Research & Development and the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC).
September 9, 2015
Investigators and administrative staff participated in the Wellness Night at the 2015 National Veterans TEE Tournament.
Spring/Summer 2015
The VA Center for the Prevention and Treament of Visual Loss was highlighted in the IOWA VISION Newsletter. Check it out here:
April 25, 2012
Dr. Kardon presented findings during "Veterans’ Health Research: Improving the Lives of America’s Heroes," a Capitol Hill Briefing sponsored by Friends of the VA Medical Care and Health Research.
More information (non-VA website)
April 16-17, 2012
The Center hosted 2012 VA Rehab Research and Development Center of Excellence/Research Enhancement Award Program Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
July 8, 2011
Dr. Kardon featured in U.S. Army Medical Department Medical Research and Materiel Command article.
Dr. Kardon
Center Director
U.S. Army Medical Department Medical Research and Materiel Command (non-VA website)
June 13 - 15, 2011
Matthew Harper, PhD, CDA-2 Awardee, selected for Best Scientific Paper for his paper entitled "Blast Induced Inflammatory Brain Changes and Blood-Brain Barrier Abnormalities" at the 2011 Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury.
Matthew Harper, PhD.Federal Interagency Conference on TBI website (non-VA website)
May 1-3, 2011
American Telemedicine Association honors Center Associate Director for innovation in telemedicine.
American Telemedicine Association Meeting Overview (non-VA website)
Business Wire (non-VA website)
Above: Dr. Abramoff (left) accepts the award from Yulun Wang of InTouch Health.
April 12-14, 2011
Research Week
March 10, 2011
Dr. Kardon discusses VA Center research in Iowa City Press Citizen article
"Kardon said new low-cost portable imaging devices that are being developed can take pictures in the back of the eye and will be outfitted with software that can identify diseases."
February 25, 2011
Iowa City VA Research Building Ribbon cutting ceremony
February 22, 2011
Dr. Kardon speaks at Congressional Briefing on visual disorders from Traumatic Brain Injury